Welcome Rock Hill area art students

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Friday, April 4, 2008

Art Students And 5 Year Olds And Elephants, Oh My!

An interesting video which branches out of one of Brandt's recent post about the child painter.

This elephant paints himself holding a large poppy, and it is actually better than most of our Art One students.

Shocking how careful and purposeful his brushstrokes are. I know primates and elephants painting are not a new thing, but this is exceedingly better than any of the others I have seen.


  1. Absolutely amazing. Is it real? No offense, but this may be better than some upper levels'. Nice title btw. -Brandt

  2. Ha, none taken. =]

    100% real, the paintings are actually available for sale.

    All the 'Oooh's and 'Aaah's in the background on the video are the zoo visitors.

    Aired on the one of my satellite news channels, which I recorded.

    I meant to tell you all about it - until this video was on MSN News the other day, it's so much easier to post it.

  3. Oh, and that site, ExoticWorldGifts.com - sells the elephant's floral paintings.

    The site offers this information on the elephant.

    "Somjai, a 14 year old male elephant, painted his beautiful floral art in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Somjai is a gentle giant and is friendly and social with all his buddies. He started painting at age 10 and was a natural and quickly learned to paint flowers. He...used his skills to paint realistic pictures of fellow elephants."


    "Positive behavioral training techniques and non-toxic paints are used while Somjai explores his sense of style."

    The art is sold to help finance habitat renewal, caretaker education, vet costs, etc for some 3,000 domesticated elephants in the country who are no longer needed by locals.
