Welcome Rock Hill area art students

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Friday, September 25, 2009

Scholarships given at Portfolio Day

Winthrop University ’s Fine Arts Portfolio Day is November 7 and is held in conjunction with a Winthrop Preview Day. However, students can come just to the Portfolio Day that begins at 1 p.m.

To find out more about the Winthrop Preview Day, go to http://www.winthrop.edu/admissions/default.aspx

To learn more about the Department of Fine Arts go to http://www2.winthrop.edu/vpa/finearts/

To learn more about Portfolio Day, go to http://www2.winthrop.edu/vpa/finearts/portfolio.html

Students do not need to make an appointment for Portfolio Day, but if they have questions, they can contact me at


Degree programs within the Department of Fine Arts include:

BA in Art
BA in Art History
BA in Art with Teacher Certification k-12
BFA with concentrations in:

  • Ceramics
  • Commercial Photography
  • Fine Arts
  • Photography
  • General Studio
  • Jewelry
  • Metals
  • Painting
  • Printmaking
  • Sculpture

Thank you,

Sandy Singletary, MFA Graduate Assistant
Department of Fine Arts

Creativity + Community + Collaboration

Departmental Website

1 comment:

  1. More Info:


    The Department of Fine Arts holds an annual Portfolio Day and Scholarship Competition in conjunction with a Preview Day admissions event. Portfolio Day is open to all who wish to attend, regardless of intention to apply for admission or compete for scholarships. The event primarily involves student interviews with faculty members.

    Portfolio Day is generally held in November of each year in conjunction with an Admissions Preview Day. This year it is Saturday, November 8, 2008 Students and parents are encouraged to attend the full day of Preview Day. If you have attended a previous Preview Day you may only want to come to the Portfolio Day activities at McLaurin Hall. The event is for review of student portfolios by Fine Arts faculty to award scholarships, and also to receive comments about your work to help you improve.

    To be considered for a scholarship, students must complete a portfolio review/interview with 3 different faculty members, each lasting about 15-20 minutes each. Instructions and guidance, including group tours of the Fine Art facilities, are provided by the many faculty and administrative staff members, and current students who participate in the event each year.

    For additional information or to make a reservation for the Fine Arts Portfolio Day, please call 803-323-2653 or email finearts@winthrop.edu.

    Click here to make a reservation to attend Preview Day, or call the Office of Admissions at 803-323-2191 or 800-WINTHROP (946-8476).

    PORTFOLIO REQUIREMENTS Portfolios should contain 10-20 original student works. The works need not be framed, or formally displayed, and may be reproduced (especially 3D artworks) in photographic slides, digital images or prints. The type and kind selected to be included in the portfolio is up to the student, and do not have to be works for the intended major. What the faculty members want to see in the portfolio are the artworks the student feels the best about, what s/he is proud of and want others to see. The artworks do not have to be from school art class projects or formal study of any kind.

    Students may compete for scholarships in absentia by shipping or mailing a portfolio, sending one electronically via email or notifying the Department of their website address where a portfolio is pictured. The Department must receive notification or shipment no later than the Friday before the Saturday event.

    SCHOLARSHIPS The scholarships awarded from the Portfolio Day and Scholarship Competition are Dean’s Meritorious Scholarships. They are for new students and are applicable to the first year of study only.* Typical amounts range from $250 to $1,000. Please note that all applications for admission to the University are reviewed by the Office of Admissions.

    Approximately two weeks after the event, a letter will be sent to all participants in the scholarship competition, informing them of the results. This may include a scholarship offer amount, or the placement on a waiting list for any funds which may come available in the future, or a notification, regretfully, of not scoring high enough in the reviews to qualify for a scholarship. The letters with a scholarship offer amount will include an acceptance form which the student must sign and return. All students should pay particular attention to the timelines required for making application to enter Winthrop University, and understand any scholarship funds awarded take effect only when admitted and attending Winthrop as a declared Fine Arts major.

    *There are other scholarships available, which require portfolio-merit competition. These are the Endowed Scholarships, and are open to all majors in attendance. Competition is held annually in February or early March, and the scholarships are applicable for the next academic year.
