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Friday, May 3, 2013
"Batiks" commercial to cultural
Amazing, when we did the "Batik" project in class i was dumbfounded by the unusual name. more astounding is the fact i searched the blog and no one has yet to comment on them. what drew me to this piece of work besides its name and style of creation was the fact that "batiked" fabricks are sold commecially. going back to the idea of regular manufactured cloth, i found it interesting that an art form i have never heard of is so common . but more than just the idea of a design, i wonder at the fact such an in depth process of art can be so cheaply and efficiently redone to earn the stylized title of a "Batik". An interesting fact is that Batiks origins are unknown appearing throughout cultures as diverse as the Malays to the Japanese to the Egyptians. a mystery as great as that of language and its origin as well as to what defines the start of human culture
Very interesting and relavent post. Nice find.