"The Arts Council has been chosen by Earth Fare to receive 5% of sales the first three days of opening their new store on Cherry Road!!! As you can imagine, we are very excited about this
opportunity! Along with inviting everyone you know to shop at the store and eat in the cafe
June 25-27, we would also like to have visual artists selling and demonstrating their work and musicians and other performers inside and outside the store interacting with the crowd. Please call the Arts Council at 803.328.2787 or email me at ksessions@yorkcountyarts.org to sign up for a time to showcase your talent!
This is a great opportunity to bring your art to the masses. We expect a huge crowd all three days!
Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns!
Kristin Sessions
Development Director
Future Opportunity:
We have also been asked to help Earth Fare program the gallery space located in their café. Artists will apply through the Arts Council and once approved will hang their work at Earth Fare. The café gallery is a commission free space.
You can also contact me if you have questions.
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