The following is from paintingcans.com
Use the can as a blank canvas, express yourself on it, and send it to us. Just follow the specification:Keep the “easy open” for hanging it. The perimeter of the can is the limit. Do not use filled cans, it must be crushed. You can be part of this project as individual or as group, from any field, from anywhere of the world.
Deadline: your painting cans will be accepted until October 31th, 2008.
What you get for? Your painting cans will be part of the digital gallery in paintingcans.com with you contact details, and the price. If you work is sold you receive 70 % of the price you decided.
Also it will be part of an art goup show in Madrid (Spain) and published in a book that you will receive a copy. We can not guaranty that your work will be selected for the book, please accept our apologises if it is not published.The artist will be paid by Paypal (if you do not yet have a Paypal account, get one free at http://www.paypal.com/). The artwork that the artist submitted to paintingcans.com remain the property of the artist, on the condition that paintingcans.com has exclusive rights to print the works in a book. We are not responsible for the content submitted by the artist.
The address that your submission needs to be sent is:
Apartado de Correos 203.030
28080 Madrid
After looking at his website, I actually like his other stuff. Below are just some of the many things things that I found at martinbochicchio.blogspot.com/

Please e-mail me at LBrandt@rock-hill.k12.sc.us if you have questions.