This blog was created to allow casual conversations about the artwork that you have created and the artists who have influenced you. This will be an excellent place for you to display your art images and share your reactions. We can also share information about upcoming art events.
Wow, I just visited this site with the 2-D class two days ago. It's amazing how great minds think. I found it enlightening to hear the artists discuss their motivation for each page. I also started a page on the new website for great links. Let me know if you see other pages that are interesting enough to post on the site.
Wow, I just visited this site with the 2-D class two days ago. It's amazing how great minds think. I found it enlightening to hear the artists discuss their motivation for each page. I also started a page on the new website for great links. Let me know if you see other pages that are interesting enough to post on the site.