Welcome Rock Hill area art students

This blog was created to allow casual conversations about the artwork that you have created and the artists who have influenced you. This will be an excellent place for you to display your art images and share your reactions. We can also share information about upcoming art events.

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Thursday, August 6, 2009

George Duncan

George Duncan is a photographer who lives in Rock Hill unless he has moved since I last saw him. Some of his models are people that some of you might actually know. Here -> Duncan or Murphy is a link to his portfolio. Great stuff. There like 77 pages to flip through.


  1. Thanks for bringing him to my attention. This is a huge bank of images-- did he do all of them? I did recognize two people. I'm a fan.

  2. He did them all. One I know went to RHHS. Then one of the Jens and Alex both work at Hot Topic. He offered last time I talked to him to do some for me and I have taken it in to concideration.

  3. Please be careful and keep your family in the loop. To clarify, I'm a fan of his art but don't know his character. Talent is not a description of character.

  4. Oh, I know. There will be several people with me.
