Welcome Rock Hill area art students

This blog was created to allow casual conversations about the artwork that you have created and the artists who have influenced you. This will be an excellent place for you to display your art images and share your reactions. We can also share information about upcoming art events.

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Tuesday, November 3, 2009



Mrs. Holst is responsible for this post.  While discussing National French Week, specifically Art Day on Nov. 6, she mentioned a blog that she frequents regularly: ParisDailyPhoto.com.  Here, a photographer has decided to take and post one photo of Paris every day.

This is particularly interesting to me because we are essentially seeing his routines and the life around him.  Of course, the design aspect is also interesting.

Thank her for this information if you see her.


  1. Salut tout le monde! This is Mrs. Holst! Wow! I really like your blog. WWW.Parisdailyphoto.com is a blog created by a French man named Eric Tenin. Every day he takes a different picture of Paris and includes a paragraph talking about what is shown. It is very interesting to see all that is happening in other parts of the world on the same day in which we live. Right now he is soliciting advice on which images should be showcased in his 2010 calendar. From the website you can actually vote on what pictures influence you the most. Check it out!

  2. Mme H,
    I'll have the students translate "Salut tout le monde" but thanks... I think. I've put your blog in my RSS feed and will visit frequently. Thanks and happy National French Week!
