Instructions on how to create your blog
You will be required to have and routinely check an e-mail address in this course. You may wish to use an existing one or create a school e-mail address. Remember that you will be held accountable for checking this account on a recurring basis. Google, Yahoo and Hotmail are some of the popular services.
One of the requirements of this class will be you creating and maintaining a blog that links to You'll notice your name in a list that is located on the right side of this blogs. Your names link to a pre-existing location where your blog will be located.
Your blog address uses the following formula: www.RHHSart(firstname)(lastinitial)
Read and understand the two links above: Blog Self-eval. and Instructions on how to create your blog.
You will maintain this blog throughout the weeks. Each grading period, I will assess your participation on the blog.
You will be required to:
- post all of your personal work on your own blog
- Post one art-related article to the main page (I'll need your e-mail address to invite you to do this.)
- make at least five comments on other student artwork or posts.
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