Welcome Rock Hill area art students

This blog was created to allow casual conversations about the artwork that you have created and the artists who have influenced you. This will be an excellent place for you to display your art images and share your reactions. We can also share information about upcoming art events.

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Friday, October 9, 2009

Bing (tm) and Artsonia Art Contest

Every invention starts from a simple drawing on a paper. To celebrate the DigitalGlobe(tm) satellite launch that will capture high-resolution pictures for Bing(tm) Maps, we want to borrow kids' imaginations to create the rocket of tomorrow.

This is your chance to integrate science into your art program AND enter to win* one of eight $5,000 donations and a portion of book proceeds for your school! Of the first 10,000 drawings submitted, every school that submits at least 20 drawings will be entered into a drawing to win a $5,000 donation from Bing(tm) and a portion of the book proceeds.

We understand this is quite a tight deadline, so to help you out, we are going to provide you with some educational materials. The first 500 teachers to fill out an information request form on Artsonia will get a poster for the classroom, along with a satellite and rocket fact sheet and some fun rocket trading cards. You may also download pdf printable versions of the educational materials. Visit www.artsonia.com/10000rockets for details.

In addition, students can watch the Delta II rocket launch video on www.10000rockets.com. Then, in early November, Bing(tm) will have a panel of scientists talking about rockets and you can use that for further inspiration in the classroom.

As the students are learning about rockets, we want to get 10,000 of them to draw the rocket of tomorrow. Drawings can be uploaded on www.artsonia.com from 10/8/09-11/25/09. We will do a few things with the drawings:

* The first 10,000 drawings will be published in your Artsonia school gallery and showcased on a dedicated gallery website, www.10000rockets.com.
* Schools who submit at least 20 drawings will be entered into a drawing to win* one of eight $5,000 donations.
* Each drawing will be judged by a panel of Microsoft employees in conjunction with scientists. The judges will select one from each grade group (K-5, 6-8, 9-12) that inspires them and turn these student drawings into 3-D models to honor their invention.
* The first 10,000 qualified drawings will be placed into a commemorative book and sold on 10000rockets.com. Proceeds from the book will be donated to 8 of the schools who have students featured in the book, chosen at random.

To request supplemental materials, upload artwork, or learn more about the contest, visit the following link:

For the complete set of Official contest rules please go to: www.10000rockets.com/rules

Best wishes,
Your Friends at Artsonia and Bing

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