Welcome Rock Hill area art students

This blog was created to allow casual conversations about the artwork that you have created and the artists who have influenced you. This will be an excellent place for you to display your art images and share your reactions. We can also share information about upcoming art events.

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Monday, October 12, 2009

Post Secrets

So I've shown these to you guys before in class (AP/Art IV). But I've decided to post them because I need your input. I think it would be a great way to raise money for NAHS if RHHS students could submit anonymous post secrets. What do you think? Check out the link because there are tons more. Some sad, some funny, some I can't post only because they're PG-13, and I dont' know how far I can go. They aren't BAD. They're quite therapuetic.


  1. BTW, it's relevant to art because they are all designed. Mostly photographs that are altered. Some are very powerful.

  2. I think that it is a great idea. You have all of my support. What's the first step?
